
Food, fun and family

The week of Thanksgiving kept us very busy this year. We started off with parent/teacher conferences. Jessica has empressed us mainting straight A's while having a few estra cirricular activities. Her teachers says that she works hard and is glad to have her in his class. Alexis is doing well also. she is a little behind in her reading fuency but with a little practice she'l be reading like a pro in no time. Kaylei, well what can I say? SHe is ahead of the majority of kids in her class. She is going to be in a reading group for kids who already know all of the letters and their phonics. Tuesday we went shopping to get our baking supplies for pies, brownies and pumpkin bread(my favorite). Wednesday we baked our goodies. Emily and Kaylei helped out (mostly by licking the bowl). We baked two batches of brownis, one regular size loaf of pumpkin bread and seven mini loaves. Thursday we went to Rob's Aunt Susie's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Their were over 50 family members there! All had a wonderful time playing with cousins. Friday I headed out at 4:30 in the morning to brave Black Friday shopping. To my surprise there wasn't hardly anyone out this year, here anyway. Oh yeah, we brought our niece Ella home with us after Thanksgiving and had aher with us until Sunday morning. We enjoyed having her! Then Friday night, Grandma Lyn and Aunt Cherie joined us and we went downtown Coeur d'Alene for the Festival of lights parade and Lighting ceremony. We saw one of the best firework displays ever. Then they lit up the resort, boardwalk and surrounding area with over 30,000 Christmas lights. It was a wonderful way to start off the Christmas season.

1 comment:

leah said...

How fun! Sounds like you had a great weekend. You'll have to post your recipe for pumpkin bread. That sounds soo good! Love ya!