

Yesterday we were finally able to carve our pumpkins. Emmy helped by sitiing in Dad's lap.
Cody surprised us by not only scraping out his pumkin but helping emily with hers too. While everyone else was busy carving, Jessi sat around pulling faces at us.

Alexis did a little bit herself. Then Dad had to take over. I think he ended up carving four or five besides his own. Rob says that next year if they can't carve it themselves they don't get a pumpkin. What a partypooper!

Here are the finished produscts.

The puking pumpkin is Rob's. He's got a twisted mind:)

1 comment:

leah said...

I showed Caden the barfing pumpkin and explained it was sick and puked. He looked for a minute and then said "That is gross, I hate puke" "My cousins need to clean that up." Haha.