
Emmy's Birthday

We celebrataed Emmy's 5th birthday this week. We let the kids pick what/where they want to go for their birthday dinner. Emmy chose Applebees this year.
So, after Rob got home from work (2 hours late) we loaded the kids up and headed out.
WHen we arrived at Applebees, there were so many cars and the line
was outside. Later we found out that they were giving a free meal for Veterans.
As an alternative we just grabbed a couple hot-n-readys from Little Ceasars.
After dinner Emmy got to open her presents.
This is one of my favorites. A mini baking set. It comes with a mini cupcake pan, mini wooden spoon, set of measuring spoons, mini wire whisk, a mini spatula, and an apron.

She is completely into princesses right now. I think the look on her face says it all.
(it's a princess barbie)

We were even able to find a princess fishing pole....
and notebook.
This morning, I helped Emmy make muffins with her new baking set.
She had a lot of fun!

She also recieved a few more princess presents from Nana. On Sunday we'll do
her birthday cake at the in-laws.
I can't believe Em is going to be in Kindergarten next fall.


Halloween Fun

A week before Halloween, we went to the pumpkin patch.

The pumpkins around here had already started to rot

due to an early frost. We didn't realize the extent of the rot until we went to carve them
two days later and found the pumpkins to be mush.

So the only jack-o-lanterns we had this year were the ones that

Jessi and Alexis had carved at Activity Days.

They turned out quite well.

On Halloween we went to the trunk-or-treat at our church. We saw alot of cute

little ghosts and goblins. Then the kiddos

were ready to hit the streets. We had Jessi the ghoul,

Lexi the vampiress, Cody as a ninja, Kaylei was a beautiful butterfly,

Emily the sweet little witch and

Spencer the lion, with the friendliest roar you've ever heard.

This year the kids outlasted the people passing out the goodies.

They made out pretty well. By the end Emmy was quite tuckered out.

She started to fall asleep while I was

washing the make-up off of her face.